As a result of the Doodle Labs and Rajant collaboration, the Kinetic Mesh Network has made a huge impact on productivity at copper mines. According to Bob Schena, CEO and Co-Founder of Rajant, mines are able to reduce the number of the multimillion-dollar vehicles sidelined for repair or service from about 15% to about 5% per day. That means the business impact of the Kinetic Mesh Network was an additional 10% of productivity per day.
Further, many other customers in the mining space are now implementing Kinetic Mesh Networks and the technology is making an impact in other industries such as military, public safety, and oil & gas. To date, the project has been a resounding success for Rajant and their copper mine customers. Since going to market, thousands of BreadCrumbs with wireless connectivity enabled by Doodle Labs’ Special Band Transceivers have been successfully deployed.