When integrated in the same robotic platform, the combined capabilities of Qualcomm’s RB5 platform and Doodle Labs radios provide unmatched compute and processing power and a resilient, reliable datalink for peak mobile robotic performance in the field.

- Category: News
- Tags: Partnership, Product Announcement, UAV, UGV
Doodle Labs, a leading provider of wireless networking technology, today announced an integration of the Qualcomm® RB5 Platform into Doodle Labs’ line of radios for advanced robotics.
The RB5 platform, based on the Qualcomm® QRB5165 processor, delivers high-accuracy artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning inferencing technology to facilitate accelerated development of innovative, power-efficient, high-computing robots and drones for enterprise, industrial and professional service applications.
Doodle Labs’ radios provide high-bandwidth, long-range connectivity for advanced robotics, including drones, UGVs and other mobile technologies in both industrial and defense settings.
When integrated in the same robotic platform, the combined capabilities of the RB5 platform and Doodle Labs radios provide unmatched compute and processing power and a resilient, reliable datalink for peak mobile robotic performance in the field.
“We view this integration as a game-changer for the performance potential of advanced robotics,” said Doodle Labs Co-CEO Amol Parikh. “The robotics use-cases of both the present and future demand increased compute and AI capabilities, and connectivity is always paramount for robotic applications, so working together with Qualcomm Technologies to develop this integration feels like a natural fit.”
“Supporting Doodle Labs’ radios with the RB5 Platform brings proven, high-resiliency, high-bandwidth communications solutions to their offering,” stated Dev Singh, Vice President of Business Development and Head of building, enterprise & industrial automation at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “This integration will make the development of autonomous drones and robots easier, providing innovators in the field with enhanced connectivity options.”
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